Hello Students and Guardians!
Welcome to our one-stop for all student ministry information. We love hangin' out with you and hope you'll join us for more fun, discipleship, serving, and learning this winter! Check out the rest of our FirstCovGR Student News to hear about some important upcoming events.
What is BLAZE? BLAZE is a community of 6th-8th graders that meet every Wednesday evening at FirstCov. We gather to seek God and to be changed by him. We will focus on the word of God through the reading and teaching of scripture, prayer, worship, service, life groups, and some super fun games!
Thank you to everyone who joined us on the junior high retreat this past weekend. We had a BLAST and will still be catching up on sleep for the next couple of days! We hope and pray that you all find some time this week to reflect on the ways that God was moving. May you continue to seek Him and go all in!!
Wednesday, November 29: BLAZE Youth Group
- WHO? Middle schoolers and their friends, classmates, teammates, etc. are invited!
- WHAT? We will be having a regular BLAZE YOUTH GROUP night. Come join us for snacks, games, worship, and teaching on what it means to be forgiven by God, and life groups! More specifically, this Wednesday, we will be focusing on the forgiveness that can occur in broken relationships when Christ is asked and present. Take a look at Luke 22:54-62 and John 21:15-19 before you come :) Bring a friend to come hang out with us. It is going to be a BLAST!
- WHERE? In the youth room at FirstCovGR!
- WHEN? Wednesday, November 29 from 6:30-8p.
We have some learning opportunities for our middle school students on Sunday mornings! Check them out:
- ABIDE 67: 6th & 7th graders are invited to build community, practice spiritual devotion, and learn what it means to abide in the presence of God. Join Lauren Abrell as we talk about what it means to recognize God's voice. How do we do that? Why is it important? Meet in room 112.
- CONFIRMATION: 8th graders are invited to join our confirmation and discipleship class. Join Pastor Craig as he leads us in a conversation about prophets! Make sure to have session 8 in your books done by Sunday. Meet in room 109.
What is RADIATE? RADIATE is a community of 9th-12th graders who gather to seek God and to be changed by him. We will focus on the word of God through the reading and teaching of scripture, prayer, worship, life groups, and some super fun games! We meet every Sunday evening at FirstCovGR.
SUNDAY, November 26: CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS! Take a look:
- WHO? High Schoolers and their friends, classmates, teammates, etc. are invited.
- WHAT? On this night, we will take part in the larger church event of Christmas Traditions. Join us for cookies, hot chocolate, a snowball fight, reflection stations, and more! Bring your family and a friend! It will be a great night to get into the holiday spirit by reflecting on the birth of Christ!
- WHERE? FirstCovGR
- WHEN? Sunday, December 3 from 6-8p.
Life in 4-D is this Sunday! Join Patty Hansma in room 224 at 9 am for donuts and discussion on how to die to yourself by delving into the Word of God. You won't want to miss it!
This summer, our middle schoolers and high schoolers are each taking a discipleship trip! Check it out:
- COLORADO (current 7th & 8th graders) is our middle school adventure and worship experience. Our students will engage in a week filled with activities that challenge them to step out of their comfort zone and into faith. Join us for heartfelt prayer, exhilarating excursions, tight-knit community, & so much more! Find out more info and register HERE.
- UNITE EAST (current 9th-12th graders) is a Covenant High School event gathering groups from across the US. Join us for a transformative five-day event filled with powerful worship, engaging youth group sessions, heartfelt prayer, exhilarating afternoon activities, meaningful acts of service, & so much more! Find out more info and register HERE.
We have put together a sign-up to fundraise on Sunday mornings through a bake sale. Sign up HERE! Please note that you MUST be signed up and have your deposit paid for your respective trip BEFORE you can sign up to sell baked goods :)
Are you in a sport, band, choir, school musical, and/or something else that we can cheer you on at? Send us your schedules! Our leaders would love to come and support you! Send any schedules/details to Lauren Abrell at (630)750-6458 OR
Please note that you must have a FirstCovGR Student Registration/Waiver for the 2023-24 school year submitted in order to participate in FirstCovGR's student ministry events. Please fill out THIS form. We need one form per student.
This fall, we began using a curriculum called HYFI with both our middle school and high school students. Through HYFI, students will examine, and leaders will teach, 12 biblical truths about their identity: I am Known, I am Forgiven, I am Made for Community, I am Never Alone, etc. Each “I am” statement will point back to a “God Is” truth revealed in that session’s Bible story. Sessions will rotate through Passion, Position, and Purpose truths to ensure balance regardless of when a church begins the curriculum and when a student comes to youth group.
The goal of this curriculum is to foster relationship-building that leads to discipleship and to help students find their identity, belonging, and purpose within the Word of God. Each session also has a cultural connection point that provides discussion around topics that our students face. It is a great resource and we are excited to continue using it.
For more information, check out the HYFI website! Contact Lauren Abrell or Josh Hinken with any thoughts, comments, or questions. We would love to talk with you!
- Join our Facebook group: FirstCovGR Youth Group. We often post about upcoming Middle and High School events, post ETAs when we have group outings, and upload lots of pictures to this page!
- Follow us on Instagram @firstcovgr_ms & @firstcovgr_sh
- Check out our High School LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/firstcovgr_hs
- Want to find out more about our student ministry? Click HERE to visit our website!
Our team would love to connect with you! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Josh, Michelle, or Lauren via phone call, text, email, or office visit.
HOORAY! You successfully made it to the end - thanks for reading and being diligent will all the details. We are looking forward to seeing you so soon!!!